Alopecia Areata, immunomodulating topical therapies and steroid injections

Botox BeforeBotox After

“Liquid facelift” with Botox treatment

Plaque psoriasis before Dermatology Specialists of Spokane

Plaque psoriasis treated with medical therapy and NBUVB

Plaque Psoriasis before Dermatology Specialists of SpokanePlaque Psoriasis before Dermatology Specialists of Spokane

Plaque psoriasis treated with medical therapy and NBUVB

Medical therapy for facial ulcer

Medical therapy for bullous pemphigoid

Patch Testing BeforePatch Testing After

Allergy patch testing for allergic contact dermatitis

Botox treatment for forehead wrinkles

Alopecia Dermatology Specialists of SpokaneAlopecia After Dermatology Specialists of Spokane

Frontal fibrosing alopecia treated w/ medical therapy

Vbeam Laser Dermatology Specialists of SpokaneVbeam Laser Dermatology Specialists of Spokane

Vbeam laser treatment for rosacea


NBUVB (narrowband ultraviolet B) for vitiligo